I woke up this morning to the sound of my phone ringing.

It was an early morning phone call… the kind you don’t ever want to get. The kind you witness through TV or the movies but pray you don’t ever receive in real life.

That was the kind of phone call I woke up to this morning.

On the other end was a loved one telling me a family member had passed away during the night unexpectedly… much too young – way before his time – leaving behind a young family of six.

My heart is broken and sad for those we love who are now hurting and left without an earthly father, husband, son, and brother.

And I’m reminded as I type these words that our time here is limited. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. We must make the most of our time TODAY!

The Bible says it best: we are here but for a second…(James 4:14)

And we have been reminded of this truth day after day as it seems the world is spiraling more and more out of control.

Refugee crisis.

Racial tensions.

Babies being murdered before they have a chance at life.


Pain and death seem to be all around us.

And I cry because our world is so broken and selfishly my heart just wants heaven. I want all of this craziness to stop. I’m tired of seeing so much heartache and pain. I’m tired of seeing a broken world filled with evil, pride, and death.

My heart aches and my soul longs.

As I read and meditate on today’s passage with a heart that is hurting and with eyes red and swollen from tears, this verse pops off the page:

…who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. – Galatians 1:4-5

Ohh friends, when did I as a Christian buy into this fairy tale lie that my life should be pain and heartache free? Jesus came and suffered in an evil, evil world.

Why? To rescue us.

Why? Because it was God’s will.

Why? For God’s glory.

If Jesus came to suffer and die, why do I think I deserve a life on easy street?

Jesus GAVE Himself for our sins.

Jesus willingly went to the cross for you and for me. For your neighbor down the street and for those we see on TV who hate us and everything we as Christians stand for.

Jesus gave His life for ALL sin.

Ahhh we serve a crucified Savior… we can’t forget that . How the world views success and how God views success are completely different. From the world’s view, Jesus failed. He died. The cross was the end of Him…

But take heart, friend. We also serve a RISEN Savior, and the fact that He ROSE from the dead changes everything. There will be times in our lives when it will feel like death is all around us.

Dreams will die.

Hopes will die.

Friendships will die.

People will die.

But we must take heart and know that God IS in control. His ways are not our ways and when we go through the “valley of the shadow of death,” our God is with us. (Psalm 23:4)

He will not leave us.

He will not forsake us.

He is with us to the very end. (Matthew 28:20)


Jesus is our RESCUER

While other founders of religions came to teach people, Jesus came to rescue them.

“Jesus is not so much a teacher as He is a rescuer. Because that’s what we most need. Nothing in who we are or what we do saves us.”- Tim Keller

Jesus did what we cannot do for ourselves.

His death on the cross made us right with God.

He died in my place and He died in your place and because of His death, those who accept His free gift of salvation are now free from the penalty and condemnation of our sins.

“We did not ask to be rescued, but God in his grace planned what we didn’t realize we needed, and Christ by His grace came to achieve the rescue we could never have achieved ourselves.” – Tim Keller

In a world that is crying out for help… Jesus is the answer.

Because of Christ’s death, we have been rescued from the POWER of this present evil age.

Greater is HE who is in me than he who is in the world…(1 John 4:4)

We must cling to that verse with all of our might – memorize it, hang it on our walls in our homes and most importantly live it out in our lives.

This world is not our home, but until Jesus calls us home or comes back for us, we need to be the Body of Christ here and NOW.

And just because we are a people who are rescued from the power of this world, that does not mean that God is taking us out of it. What it does mean is that we are no longer enslaved to it. (Romans 6:6)


God’s WILL and for His GLORY

Jesus rescued us to live for God.

There is a purpose for your life and it’s not to see who can get to heaven the safest way possible.

Jesus GAVE Himself up to RESCUE us and empower us to live our lives now for His GLORY!


Let’s Talk:

First off, leave a comment and let us know you’re joining us and from where! We’d LOVE to meet you!!

Second: From today’s passage, what does it mean to you to know you have been rescued? How does hearing God has a purpose for your life change the way you live your life?


Still needing our Galatians Study Journal? Click here to purchase or print it. The study journal really is a wonderful resource to help you dig into the book of Galatians for the next 6 weeks!


Week 1 Challenge:

Help someone. It’s that simple. Intentionally look around as you go about your days and see who God has placed in your path. There are so many hurting people, so many needs…try to help, love, encourage just one person this week. Maybe it’s an encouraging word-a sincere compliment or maybe its more than that…but ask God to help you meet the needs that He brings to mind. We can’t do everything, but we all can do something.

Week 1 Video:

(Click here if you can’t see the video)

Week 1: Reading Plan

Love God Greatly: WK1ReadingPlan

Week 1: Memory Verse

Love God Greatly Galatians Week 1 Memory Verse


Love God Greatly!









Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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