Imagine you are recruited and drafted into an elite tactical unit. You are excited about this adventurous journey you are about to embark upon. As you begin, you notice how long and thankless the hours are. Demands and expectations are high. Over time, you begin to lose members of the unit. Doing more with less makes your mission seem unattainable. You begin feeling inadequate and overwhelmed as you are stretched to fill roles that aren’t within your natural skill set. This exciting adventure you initially signed up for hasn’t exactly met your expectations.
This is the experience for many Christian women.
We began our journey with the Lord on fire… blazing with passion and excitement about God and His plan for this world. However, over time, life happens.
We get tired.
We get weary.
We are stretched.
We pour out so much of ourselves that we forget to first give ourselves to God. We experience tragedy, hurts, betrayal, and disappointments. Life often leads us to forget God’s calling for us. This world is our battleground.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. – Ephesians 6:10-13
Paul writes to the church of Ephesus to increase their passion for God. Jesus describes Ephesus as hardworking, persevering, and enduring many hardships for Him. However, Jesus rebukes them for forsaking Him as their first love (Revelation 2:2-4). When we lose our passion and focus, Paul gives us three reminders from Ephesians 6:
(1) The Christian life is a battleground, not a playground. God makes it clear in His Word (Matt 10:22; John 15:18) that believers will have to fight to represent Jesus to a lost world that hates Him. On our day of salvation, God gave us a new life, but that doesn’t mean we wait doing nothing until Jesus returns. We must share the Good News of Jesus. We must pour out our love, grace, and mercy on the unlovable. We must demonstrate godliness to our family, friends, and coworkers. The struggle is real. Are you in the battle or on the swings?
(2) Our ULTIMATE enemy is Satan. Although we battle with people, Paul reminds us that our ultimate enemy is not against flesh and blood. The goal of Satan is to hinder God’s Word, to discourage salvation, and to destroy our testimony. Satan encourages disharmony, discord, and division in our marriages, homes, and workplaces. When we refuse to forgive and allow anger to reign in our hearts, we end up battling the very people that God wants to reach through us. We must guard against misrepresenting Jesus to those who need Him the most. Are you God’s advocate or Satan’s?
(3) Without God, the battle cannot be won. In spiritual battle, physical weapons should not be used. Verses 14-18 describe our full armor of God. God has provided us with defensive armor and powerful offensive weapons to wage war by His means and in His strength. Our fighting is done through total reliance on God using His spiritual weapons of warfare – never on our own or in our own strength. Are you warring with God’s weapons or your own?
Studying the life of David, we learn how he used faith, obedience, and the weapons of God to defeat enemies. When we fight for God, we have all of heaven backing us. God’s strength is absolutely perfect in our weakness. The battle is here whether we are willing to fight or not. Lack of preparation, lack of interest, and lack of readiness is not an option. We are warriors!
Father God, thank You for the privilege of allowing imperfect people to carry out Your perfect plans. Lord, renew our passion and endurance for the battle. Help us, Lord, to walk worthy of our calling. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
*Let’s Talk: How can we pray for you as you begin to wage spiritual warfare in your homes, your workplaces, and in your communities?
Grace and peace to you,
Thank you for your message. So true, I was at a point in my life that the world was becoming my friend…so burnt out from the church I did not realize I was becoming bitter and hard. After about 5 years of walking away…I came to repentance because God never gave up on me. He kept calling me. I would cry out for God to help me, I had to trust that he would give me a way out.The verse you used above, about loosing my FIRST LOVE that is exactly what happened…so suttle,! We have got to stay in God’s word, and in fellowship with one another. The world is not our friend! Stay in TRUTH (God’s word), Jesus’s RIGHTEOUSNESS (shield our heart Father God), PEACE, (that the world does not know, it surpasses all understanding), FAITH, we all have a portion, (shield me from the fiery darts) and last SALVATION… Father God you are my helmet as I cover myself with you…Let your message go out.
Amen what a beautiful testimony.
Thank you for your testimony of God’s faithfulness and love towards you! It is so encouraging to know that even when we stray from God, He pursues us fiercely. May God continue to bless you, keep you, and strengthen you as you serve Him in love.
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Yes, indeed, Christians is a battleground and not a playground….we must put on the whole armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the belt of truth , the breastplate of righteousness against the devil schemes, as it said in Ephesians 6:10-13. Love the way you put the three reminders of Paul when we lose our passion and focus in Ephesians 6. I was in a big battle yesterday, so thankful for this verse, “be strong in the Lord and his mighty powers” I was able to discern the tactics and schemes of the evil. Yes the battle has been won already, for Jesus conquers the grave! And we should claimed that victory in our life! Oh Father God, thank you for sending your one and only Son, Jesus Christ whom you sent to die for our sins on the Cross, John 3:16. Thank you for this new life with You and for the gift of salvation to You be the glory forever and ever, Amen. Good read for today, thanks Terria for this blog post for this Friday!
What a great feeling when we are able to identify the tactics of the enemy and prevail when he attacks. Stay strong my sister!!
Thank you for your encouragement! You are so right about the schemes of evil. Sometimes, the side that appears to be losing is winning, while the side that appears to be winning is doomed for eternity. When we are aware of what is happening in the spiritual realm it helps to walk victoriously in the visible realm. Praying for you as fight the good fight of faith!❤️
How many times have I started out strong and faded away. Awesome reminder today that this is not a sprint but a marathon and I have to stay strong for God every day!
Yes, you are so right about the marathon of the Christian life. What a long arduous race it is! I thank God for His promise that since He began this good work in us, He will complete it until we are with Him. When the race gets hard, I remember to keep moving, inch by inch. And when I can’t move forward, I fight to remain standing. And when I can no longer stand, I allow God to carry me. The hand of God is more than able to hold us, support us, and sustain us even we have no strength to hold on to Him. It’s ok for us to be weak. We just have to remain in the race! Praying for you as you endure, persevere, and run your race! ❤️
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
“Just remain in the race” Great encouragement, God forgives when we fail and helps us back up! Oh How He Loves You and Me:)
“The battle is here whether we are willing to fight or not. Lack of preparation, lack of interest, and lack of readiness is not an option.”
Terria–I love this. So true! Thank you for your blog post today.
Thank you for your encouragement! I pray that this study of David will continue to be nourishing and transforming for you!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I am in the midst of a battle where I continually see God work that He receives the Glory, Honor and Praise. I do not like this battle and grow tired and weary at times but then the Lord reminds me of the scripture he gave me in Isaiah 43: 2-3 – When I pass through the waters He will be with me, and when I pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over me. When I walk through the fire I will not be burned, the flames will not set me ablaze. For the Lord my God the Holy One of Israel my Savior is with me always.
Dear Debbie,
What fabulously encouraging words!
What a beautiful affirmation of God’s powerful protection and defense! I pray that this study continues to strengthen you in battle.
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
We are spiritual beings and we need to remember daily how important our armor is!! It is our protection and God promises to be strong in battle on our behalf! I do not have to fear or be anxious only trust in my Great Shepherd, King, Redeemer, and Savior!!
So loving this study!
Amen Debra! No fear. No anxiety. Only trust! We are praying that this study continues to bless you!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Some days I want to give in or give up and curl up under a blanket or within the pages of a book. I get so tired of the constant battle but God is my strength. He alone is the source of my power. He tells me not to be surprised by the spiritual battles in my life but to expect them and to know they will continue until the day of Christ’s return. I thank Him for the hope of heaven and its promised joy. Thank fully heaven will be free of sin, of conflict, of pain, and of sorrow. That is our hope and our joy. I thank God, too, that He will never leave me nor forsake me but will be with me every step of the way through every battle. My family is so splintered and so fraught with troubles. We need prayer for healing and restoration. I don’t know how we got to this place and I certainly cannot fix it. Our only hope is in the Lord. It has been going on for so long that some days I lose hope. This study helps me refocus. Thank you so much!!
So many of our families are suffering. The devil tries to break apart the family, but I’m praying for restoration and reconciliation for your family. Good knows what your family stands in need of, but be the light and the fuel that points your family to God
One of the hardest things to do is to fight in the dark. When in the midst of darkness and uncertainty, you are unsure of what’s ahead, unsure of when attacks will come, unsure of who you are swinging at. But you do know 2 things: who your true enemy is and where your victory lies. Continue to fight for your family with lots of prayer, acts of love, and words of encouragement, grace, and truth. Fight confidently, God’s way, as God’s daughter knowing that His will shall be done. Remain patient trusting the Lord to turn and change hearts. It may not happen quickly. However, in the midst of darkness, always know the Lord is with you. God will uphold you. Praying for you and your family! ❤️
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
#2 : powerful words…..If we could just remember in heat of battle who our REAL enemy is! That alone would let us have a totally different perspective on the battle and person/s involved. To see through Jesus’ eyes would indeed change our methods of battle. Knowing He has given us ALL we need AS we need it takes the burden of outcome from our shoulders to His. Our Mighty God Is Able! Thank you for these great reminders.
This means war. We are in a time things are getting worse, but the ppl of God have to gear up and wage war. We can no longer idly sit in church on Sundays and do nothing the rest of the week. I am trying myself to become better with outreach and being intentional for Christ.
Please pray that I would continue to fight like David. In the strength of the Lord! My husband and our two children have Autism Spectrum Disorders. I am a VERY emotional thinker. Where they’re very logical thinkers. It makes for very confusing relationships, at times. I know in my head this confusion is from Satan. Please pray I would know it in my heart and that I would put on God’s full armor to fight against it in the Lord’s strength. Thanks!
I have only read this week’s blogs and scripture, but coming to realize that my marriage was not my fault or my kids. It was a unfaithful husband, so know I’ll teach him Gods word along with babies
Oh how He loves you and me-the song is a great reminder when we ‘see’ God at work. Different readings/CD’s but same theme. Satan tempts us, we MUST seek God to overcome, He is waiting to help us-desires for us to engage in the battle. Trying to step up using scriptures in prayers. Yes, so many hurting families, mine included-so needing God to intervene. Every time we overcome thru the blood of the Lamb-we gain strength…..the battle for souls is the Lords!
In the midst of the worst battle of my life. I’ve wanted to just give up so many times. Throw in the towel. But like you said the battle is still going to happen regardless of whether I’m fighting with God or against Him. After serving in ministry for 22 years, I know that God is changing things up in my life. Change hurts. These changes have been crushing. People that I love have betrayed me. God is teaching me to trust Him, and Him alone.
Please pray that I do that, trust Him. It’s hard so many times. Also, for my husband.
I’ve fought on my own for so long now I’m letting go. There’s nothing I can do about the past and tomorrow isn’t here yet. So today is all His.
I thank Jesus for each of your replies. May our Savior give you continued willingness, strength and joyful times of refreshment. I love having this study and this blog in my own home, where evil loves to wage war. I’m growing in Christ and learning to see evil’s hand at work. I’m grateful for the reminder that I do not wage war against flesh. No longer do I yell and scream and help evil ruin my family. It is a gift of our Savior Jesus that I can verbally n physically calmly walk away n not engage against my own family. I still need help in praying for them n showing them kindness. One step at a time, in JESUS there is VICTORY!
Please pray for my family. We are fighting the biggest battle we have ever faced. Your message above put it all into perspective. We are fighting for my youngest daughters healing and peace and soul and in my mind that fight fight was centered in the person inflicting her pain on this earth but it’s so true this is not a battle of this world and the ultimate enemy is Satan. Please pray for my daughter, for healing and Gods victory and justice to come in her situation and for our family to move into a season of peace a calmness
Confusion and chaos have reigned in my mind and relationships the last few months. I have put everyone and every thing first and God last. I have felt alone, defeated, betrayed and exhausted! I found LGG last night and I’m in tears reading this blog and the replies.
I’m ready to be God’s advocate again.
Thank you so much for this blog and everyone’s honesty! I know I’m not alone in this fight and I’m ready to seek God first!
I too have loved LGG and how their words speak straight to my heart. With baby steps each day may you find peace in your study in God’s word. May you give yourself grace to pick yourself back up and start fresh. Speak God’s truth out loud to yourself in the promises that He gives you. When you feel Satan pulling you another way, speak words to cast him away. One of the greatest things I heard was that Jesus has the ability to read our mind, but Satan does not. So I learned how important it was for me to say out loud, “Satan go away. You have no place here in my mind and in my thoughts. You are not welcome.!” There is such power in our mind and we have to not give way to it
Thank you Kim for the encouragement and great advice. I’m very excited about this bible study!
Please pray for us as we continue to wait to be match with our daughter in Bulgaria. We are in the adoption process and have been waiting for a year and half now. There are many days when I grow so weary. God has been clearly speaking to me about standing strong and not giving up this fight. We are in a battle against the evil one for God precious child. This battle belongs to the Lord! We serve a God who can move mountains and part seas. Join me in praying that God will do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine. That God will bring our daughter home soon.
I need prayer for my emitional part. Wen I was a little girl my mom punched me often because I was an extraverted girl. I always said wat I saw and thought. So I learned from my childhood that I should close my mouth. And wen my father disapeard round my 3rd I had no one more that helped me with my self esteem. Along the way people abused me an used me and haveasy an incest past. This made me weak with a negative self esteem. This all is blocking me to grow in the spirit
I’m still learning but need the help from the Lord to love and see myself like the Lord sees and loves me. And learn to become stronger and don’t get hurt by words.
Praying for you Jean ❤️
Oh Jean…my heart breaks for you! However, it is always glorious seeing God use our healed scars, our tears, and our past pain as a beautiful testimony of His presence and His rescue of us. You are a living testimony Jean! Continue to cling to Him as He soothes your heart!
Remember who you are…not the product of your past, not the wounded girl who was mistreated, not the woman who was exploited. You are God’s masterpiece. The daughter of the King. You are loved beyond measure. Jesus endured torture just for you. You are not damaged. You are not ordinary. You are not forgotten. You are brand new, perfected, and priceless. You never walk alone. You have countless sisters of Christ that stand in battle with you and for you! You are loved. ❤️
Father God, I come to you on behalf of Jean. Lord, help her to let go, to forgive, and to surrender her pain to You. Remind her daily, Lord, of how much she is loved. Remove all desires to hold on to the past, repay her violators, or cling to the pain. Stir in her heart the amazing calling You have given her to help other women who share her story. Allow love, forgiveness, and mercy to reign in her heart. Thank you Lord for remaining our redeemer and our rescuer forever and ever. Amen
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Pray for my marriage and family. Satan has been working for a long to to separate us and we have allowed him to succeed. My foolishness caused me to walk away from my husband and kids but my eyes have been opened. God pursued me. Now I believe Satan is deceiving them to keep us apart.
Please pray for me while I struggle with the help of Overeaters Anonymous with addiction to overeating. I have a chronic illness and am very unwell at the moment and finding the fight all the harder. Thank you.
Praying Isaiah 40:28 as I start my week, will add your name too “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” Remember Phil 4:13 too.:) God loves you, He wants freedom for you….you’ll do just fine! To encourage you…victory one step at a time. There’s a saying inch by inch, anything’s a cinch, mile by mile, anything’s a trial. Baby steps…good reminder for me too:)
Thank you and God bless you, Tootise! x
Oh, how I needed this.
Life has been tough. I have been disappointed. I am weary. I have just wanted to zone out and play on the swings.
My armour is definitly rusty and I am struggling to reconnect with my first love.
I am angry at others for lack of support, lack of understanding or too much advice! I have been wanting to blame (especially my husband – me v him) instead of fleeing my uItimate enemy, Satan.
Thank you for this blog. It really did help convict me of my need for my first love.
Dear Lord,
Sorry that my armour has gotten rusty. Sorry that I have allowed the devil to bring problems in relationships and that all too often I have wanted to flee the battleground and play on the swings.
Help me to have a heart that seeks first you. I give myself to you. Renew my spirit. Help me to dust off and polish up my armour. May I focus on loving you, loving others and fleeing the devil.
Lynsey, as I read your post-was thinking that is something I’ve been thru. Using Stormie Omartian’s book “power of a praying…” to step up my battle with the enemy. He has gained much ground but God will be the Victor for you and me-engage in battle as Tessia has stated…aligning ourselves closely with God. May God fill you with hope, energy, focus and excitement for His Outcome! This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it:)….as the song/verse goes!