This week as we are talking about different cultures and their implications on the gospel, I thought it might be fun to see a little glimpse into what church looks like here in Uganda. It’s just a small glimpse as I want to be respectful of my host culture, but here you go:
Click here if you are unable to see the video.
I have lived in many places around the world. Within the U.S., I’ve lived in big city Chicago to small town Tennessee. I went to school for a year in England with roommates from Canada, Romania, and Germany. I’ve lived in Indonesia, the northern part of Alaska, and now live in Uganda, East Africa, with teammates from The Netherlands, Sweden, England, Scotland, Switzerland, and more.
Things look very different from culture to culture: worship styles, what is acceptable dress, appropriate behavior, and on and on the list goes.
I’ve had many conversations about what is ok and not ok in Christian circles. Some think it is no big deal to have wine and beer with dinner and beyond, and others would gasp at that prospect while having no problem lighting up their cigarette. Some would be horrified to see me playing a game of cards, and yet others would scoff at my pants wearing {aka trousers}. Watching movies, singing hymns vs. choruses, drums vs. organ, KJV vs. ESV and on and on the list goes.
I’m not even going to get into whether these things are right, wrong, good, bad {we’d be here all day!}, but instead I want to bring the discussion to where Paul brought it – the important discussion of performance vs. unconditional acceptance of the gospel.
Because let’s be frank, sometimes moralistic behavior is so much easier and simpler than what God actually calls us to: trusting in His completed work.
But the real implication of the gospel is that it leads to cultural freedom and cultural unity. And that is what the Jewish Christians were struggling with in the early church.
In today’s passage, the acceptance of Titus by Jewish believers illustrates “that an individual becomes spiritually clean and acceptable through Christ, and not through any deeds or rituals. We need to keep repeating this truth to ourselves and each other, just as the New Testament did.”- Tim Keller, Galatians For You
In other words, it’s not what we do or don’t do, but what Christ did for us.
We need to examine our cultural Christianity and test it against the gospel. Are we succumbing to rule following? Have we begun to rely on our performance counting for salvation?
“Unless your motive for obeying God’s law is the grace-gratitude motive of the gospel, you are in slavery. The gospel provides freedom, culturally, and emotionally. The ‘other gospel’ destroys both.” – Tim Keller
Today’s Challenge:
- Sit with these verses and these thoughts today and all this week. Examine your own culture: are there any “proper” behaviors that you’ve been taught and unknowingly added these as expectations.
- If so, take some time with the Lord to pray and ask Him to show you how to rely on the power of the gospel alone.
This week’s Reading Plan:
Then and only then will you be able to pray this week’s memory verse, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” Galatians 2:20
This week’s memory verse:
With Love from Uganda,
I was so struck in today’s reading with WHY Paul said they didn’t give in to these false brothers. “…so that the truth of the gospel might remain with you.” He had a heart for others and an eye to the future. It is often tempting to appease certain factions for the sake of “unity” or peace, but it’s more important to think about how that will affect the pure truth of the gospel for future generations! Praying today that the Lord will help me preserve the truth for my children in the everyday decisions I make…that we will not be made slaves to the expectations and opinions of man.
That’s exactly the part I reflected on today as well! Preserving the gospel for future generations!
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I loved, “It is often tempting to appease certain factions for the sake of “unity” or peace, but it’s more important to think about how that will affect the pure truth of the gospel for future generations!”. How often do we fall into this trap just to keep peace in a situation. 🙂 Sheila, LGG Encourager
I loved the video! I love seeing people from all around the world worship our Heavenly Father! It’s so uplifting! I went to Haiti at the beginning of the year and loved worshiping along side the Haitians. Never have I worshiped along side believers with such abandonment of every care but the task at hand. It was truly inspiring to see there love for God! I’m grateful for you sharing the video and for the ministry in Love God Greatly and the ministry you are doing for our Lord in Uganda! I’m looking forward to the coming week and what the study will bring us!
God Bless you and Much Love,
I have friends who are walking the Appalachian Trail for Haiti. They have been there and I am so amazed at the people and the work in Christ that is being done.
Hi Joy, Thank you for sharing that video of church worship in Uganda. It brought back some memories of when I visited my daughter there, two years ago. She was a missionary with her husband there for three years, in a town called Mityana. Pastor Robert has a children’s home that he runs there called King’s Kids. Prayers for you as you continue to do His work there.
Paula, thank you for sharing! What an amazing opportunity you had to get to go there. Thank you for praying for our team! Sheila, LGG Encourager
I soooooooooooo loved to watch the video!!! THANKS for sharing.l It is precious to see fellow brothers and sisters worship no matter where or in what language. Counting the days to see you girl 🙂
Edurne I couldn’t agree more! We are so glad you were blessed! Sheila, LGG Encourager
In today’s reading, I was struck by the reason behind Paul’s statement regarding the freedom in Christ and the importance of keeping the truth of the Gospel. Having grown up in a “christian” culture, I have seen over and over, children of Christians not follow in the steps of their parents. I have always wondered why and today saw one possible reason. When we add to the gospel and place restraints of mode of dress or style (or any other thing that is not in the truth of the gospel) (modern circumcision) then we push away our children or those that we are around. The gospel gives great freedom to us. Yes, there are boundaries that enable that freedom, but when WE add things to the Gospel, then those around us see that hypocrisy and it is such a bad testimony. I have a little girl that I’m raising and I am convicted to make sure that I hold to the truth and freedom of the Gospel, especially now.
Leah, You have captured the essence exactly. What standards we set up that allow us to judge others! Our children see right through that and then react against it. I pray that the Lord blesses you as you raise your daughter to see the light of the gospel in Christ alone!
Blessings, Amy A, LGG Encourager
I so agree with you, Leah. We must keep the main thing the main thing always-which is Jesus-the only way to be saved. oh how I thank God-He provided the way through His Son for me to be cleansed. I could never do it on my own. These verses today make it clear that Paul and the first disciples had to work diligently to make sure they kept the power of Jesus’s sacrifice in place. May we be ever so vigilant in keeping the power of God’s precious Son as the only thing needed for salvation!
Thank you for sharing the video. I am reminded that worship can take place anywhere and at any time. 🙂 God is always here for us.
Amen, Melissa – He is a great God! I love knowing that He is praised all around the world.
Blessings, Amy A, LGG Encourager
I think as people, we are so easily influenced by the culture of the world around us and even the church around us. I tend to be a lazy person. When someone tells me a story and says it’s true, my first inclination is to say, well, if so and so said its true, it must be true, right? But what I found out over the last 10 years is I’ve believed too many lies and the only way to get at the truth is to search for truth with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. And I found Truth. And I thank God for the Truth.
I love the new Galations study guide btw! Thank you!
Michelle, thank you for your honesty! I love that you have joined us in digging deeply into what God’s Word says and using that light to examine your beliefs. Glad you are enjoying the study guide too 🙂
Blessings, Amy A, LGG Encourager
I grew up in a religion that was about Christ but was also about their rules and regulations and for a time, it turned me away from God. I have learned it is more bout the relationship then those man-made rules interrupted by humans. Yes, today I see the value in them but I choose to also see as best as I can like Jesus would see the world and choose to live as best that i can as Jesus would in it. It’s about Him and if I choose to meet and love Jesus in blue jeans I know He is okay with that.
I love Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” When we choose to walk in Gods loves for others we fulfill all those rules and laws. In relationship we just walk it out without. <3 Sheila LGG Encourager
Leah’s comment about keeping the Gospel is so true. I did not grow up in a Christian home but went to Church and Bible study and I did see the hypocrisy of the man made rules and adding things to the Word. It was hard however I always had my Bible to check on what man said against His Word.
We are free from the bondage of sin. (Romans 6). Not free to do as we please. We are free from sin to become a slave of Christ! (1 Peter 2:16,Romans 6:14) As we will read later in Galations 5 we are to never use our freedom as an opportunity for the flesh. It is true there are many ways to worship, there ARE ways not to as well. Chapter 5 also shares a lot of those attitudes we could have and must guard against. Am I wanting to wear jeans because I am lazy and wanting to be comfortable or is this truely my best way to worship God. Am I drinking alcohol because it makes me feel good and helps me relax or…. I honestly can’t think of any way drinking alcohol would be to the glory of God. Never being a stumbling block to ANYONE . Having freedom in Christ is actually harder than rules and regulations, because now we have one rule: “live your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:19). I fail miserably in areas, but, with the power of Christ I press on to overcome these areas as well. But I will never call my areas of indulgence or weakness my “freedoms”.
Thank you so much for what you shared this morning!!! Thank you for the video, Also thank you for sharing the few quotes from Tim Keller and for your own take away from the Word, I did a little research of him and I enjoyed the messages he gives on Galatians. So Thank you!
Today while studying the Word, while reading verse four I couldn’t help but think that these “so-called believers, who were false believers, brought in to spy, were doing exactly what Paul used to do before Jesus transformed his life. Paul used to enslave the believers of Jesus Christ and force them to follow the Jewish “laws” and take away their freedom in Christ. Now Paul is on the other side of that, Paul is the one being threatened to have his freedom in Christ taken away and possibly being enslaved. Paul and the apostles however were audacious and bold for Jesus. They refused to do give in to what these “spies” were trying to make them do. Paul writes in verse 5, “We wanted to preserve the truth of the gospel message for you.” Paul and the apostles did not want the true believers to get confused and think that salvation could be earned by following the Jewish laws, which is what the false believers were trying to tell them so, Paul and the apostles did not listen to them or do anything that they said. The more and more that I thought about this, I had the thought that if Paul and the apostles had not been bold enough to stand up for their beliefs and pass on the message of the gospel to others than we 2015 years later might not even have the Word of God to read or we may possibly not even know how to accept Jesus Christ into our lives. It was because of their boldness to stand up about Jesus, that all people, both Jews and Gentiles were coming to faith, and it was because of them coming to faith and the message being passed on that we today know about Jesus Christ the Messiah!
“Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don’t see things the way you do. And don’t jump all over them every time they do or say something you don’t agree with—even when it seems that they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember, they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently. For instance, a person who has been around for a while might well be convinced that he can eat anything on the table, while another, with a different background, might assume he should only be a vegetarian and eat accordingly. But since both are guests at Christ’s table, wouldn’t it be terribly rude if they fell to criticizing what the other ate or didn’t eat? God, after all, invited them both to the table. Do you have any business crossing people off the guest list or interfering with God’s welcome? If there are corrections to be made or manners to be learned, God can handle that without your help.
Or, say, one person thinks that some days should be set aside as holy and another thinks that each day is pretty much like any other. There are good reasons either way. So, each person is free to follow the convictions of conscience. What’s important in all this is that if you keep a holy day, keep it for God’s sake; if you eat meat, eat it to the glory of God and thank God for prime rib; if you’re a vegetarian, eat vegetables to the glory of God and thank God for broccoli. None of us are permitted to insist on our own way in these matters. It’s God we are answerable to—all the way from life to death and everything in between—not each other. That’s why Jesus lived and died and then lived again: so that he could be our Master across the entire range of life and death, and free us from the petty tyrannies of each other.
Forget about deciding what’s right for each other. Here’s what you need to be concerned about: that you don’t get in the way of someone else, making life more difficult than it already is. I’m convinced—Jesus convinced me!—that everything as it is in itself is holy. We, of course, by the way we treat it or talk about it, can contaminate it.
If you confuse others by making a big issue over what they eat or don’t eat, you’re no longer a companion with them in love, are you? These, remember, are persons for whom Christ died. Would you risk sending them to hell over an item in their diet? Don’t you dare let a piece of God-blessed food become an occasion of soul-poisoning!
God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness’ sake. It’s what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ. Do that and you’ll kill two birds with one stone: pleasing the God above you and proving your worth to the people around you.”
â€â€Romans‬ â€14:1-9, 13-18‬ â€MSG‬‬
Romans 14: 1-23
Mistie, beautifully said! I loved what you said about “Don’t you dare let a piece of God-blessed food become an occasion of soul-poisoning!” How easy is it to do this. Thank you for sharing 🙂 Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you for giving us a glimpse of life and worship in Uganda! I smiled the entire 2 minutes and 33 seconds!!! I’m so thankful for your work in Uganda! 🙂
We humans are so funny, I can imagine how upset the Jews were when we Gentiles started worshipping God without all the rigorous preparations they had always observed. The simplicity of the Gospel must have been so hard to grasp! I must admit, I struggle with attending church in jeans or other casual attire, so Does that mean I’m distorting the Gospel because I feel I should ” dress up” to go to church? That’s the way I was raised-my parents called it a sign of respect. I understand God accepts us in any condition, but it just does seem that sometimes He is not given the respect, or reverence He deserves. So I can sort of relate to the Jews. I think old traditions and customs die really hard Can’t help but wonder if some of the distorters were not just trying to help us get on what they felt was “the right path”. Poor Paul must have had a daunting task. Thank God he was so obedient!
The video was wonderful. To witness God’s work and love spread lovingly among His people regardless of awful roads and limited space makes me appreciate the way His presence isn’t contained. I loved viewing it and thought about the reading…how the Gospel has no boundaries except those man-made and man-enforced. I love the simple notion of clinging to the truth found in His word versus the behaviors, judgments and implications that can be found among the brethren and those who claim to be believers. I loved this message in today’s portion… “6As for those who were held in high esteem—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism—they added nothing to my message.” I think it often happens that we let others direct our path because of their judgment and criticisms. How amazing and confident to recognize that even those held in high esteem did not aid nor hinder his efforts..that they did nothing to enhance the words or message. That God was moving and working in Paul to speak truth, that they had been charged with the preservation of His word of life.
I want to believe that I am. It judgmental but how can I share the truth of the gospel GRACEFULLY with those closest to me who ARe also believers. I feel especially challenged in this with my relationship with my husband who is a younger believer than I. And I feel to the contrary of being graceful , it all ends up in a fight.
Seeing this video, the church and the people of Uganda, it just amazed me how blessed we are here in the United States.