For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice,
the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings. – Hosea 6:6
I remember a time in my life when I felt completely lost. Nothing seemed to work. I went from one problem to another, struggling with everything and everybody. One day, while I was praying – and complaining abundantly to the Lord for the many hardships I had to go through – I asked Him: “What else do You want from me?”
I had spent a lot of time reminding God about the many things I had done for Him and the multiple ways in which I had served Him…as if He didn’t know! And then I asked my question. And, let me tell you, in that very instant I felt the Holy Spirit crying out inside of me with the answer: “I want you. I want your heart.”
I was shocked, too shocked to continue with the ugly crying. And it dawned on me. I WAS doing many things for God. I WAS serving Him in different areas…but I had forgotten about Him. I was so occupied by the things I did for Him that I had no more time to be with Him.
God wants your love first. And then, your sacrifice. He wants your heart. And then your service. But getting busy and filling our schedule is easier than spending time in the presence of God. We feel productive. But we forget that the greatest accomplishments come when we are on our knees.
Oh Lord, please don´t let me be so busy working for you that I forget to be with You. I want to be in Your holy presence every day and enjoy my time with You, savoring every moment. Amen.
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