I am riveted by the idea that God knows me not just as His follower, but as a close friend.
He knows that when I get tired or lost in a weaving train of thought I twist my hair into long ropes. He knows when I laugh deep and long I giggle so hard I nearly stop breathing. He knows that when I read a verse that penetrates my soul I’m liable to raise my hands. He knows that when I’ve had enough in life, rammed about and pushed to the brink, I want to run away. He knows when praise wells up in me I quietly stomp my foot in worship. He knows me.
Discovering loyal earthly friendships that know all your nuances and love you still is a rare treasure. This week David and Jonathan have given us an example of what a deep grace-filled comradeship should look like.
Healthy friendships may very well be the hardest thing we navigate. And yet no other waters are more important or worthwhile than chartering the depths of friendship’s love. There is nothing so provoking to bless or break hard earth like the testing of friendship’s soil. Without the friendship of the Holy Spirit and the growing Word of God alive and active in our lives we are liable to feel powerless against wounded pasts, hurt feelings, or future fears of rejection which could cause us to shrink back from knowing or being known by others.
Ephesians 4:32 marks out a beautiful road map for friendship.
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Be Kind.
Be Tenderhearted.
Be Eager to Forgive.
Easy to type out those quick three, but much more gritty to live those out. The last part of the Scripture seals the deal: “… as God in Christ forgave you.” Jesus, like a good and faithful friend, has gone before us and created a way. It all happens through Him.
Jesus is deeply compassionate towards the minuscule details that make the flower of friendship smell just a touch sweeter. He knows what graces you need to keep stirring fresh the bonds of friendship. He knows how to rescue you and then how to link your life into the kindred arms of others. He knows how to recover lost and wandering friendships. He knows you and He hasn’t forgotten the covenant of friendship you need.
David knew the friendship of remaining surrendered to God’s heart above all and that served his deep-rooted camaraderie with Jonathan well.
“The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him,
and he makes known to them his covenant.
My eyes are ever toward the Lord,” {Psalm 25:14-15a}
Jesus is personal, attentive, and trustworthy. His covenant binds all others. Allow the fruit of a right friendship with Jesus to springboard you into the glorious depths of friendship with others.
Let’s Talk: Where is the Lord asking you to surrender to His heart first in regards to the friendships you are building? How has the Lord’s kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness given you a road map for healthy friendships?
Mighty Love,
About today’s guest writer: Cari Trotter has a tremendous passion to see women grow in their yearning and affection of God’s Word. Her longing to see multiple generations of every denomination become all glorious within fuels her drive to serve others with the Word. As a speaker she is known as an enthusiastic, relatable woman that brings real life to the feet of Jesus. Through her ministry, Glorious Daughters, she is equipping women to live beautifully brave lives of faith in a Great God. She adores her role as a football coach’s wife and being momma to three sharp arrows. For more information about Cari’s ministry, visit www.caritrotter.com.
Ohhh sweet Cari!!!
What a powerful reminder today of the amazing friend we have in Jesus. What a role model He is to us and soooo thankful that He indeed has paved the way for us! May we all learn to live and love like Jesus did!!!:)
Thank you for reminding me that Jesus is attentive and trust worthy . I needed this reminder as in the past menu of my friendships have failed and it’s good to know that Jesus is the friend I will forever father . Because he is our father we tend to not see him as a friend , I’m glad in Jesus I also have friend , maybe I depended on him not always my friends as humans get tired. I don’t forgive easily I need God to help with that and patience too as those are important in friendships not only with the father but with earthly friends we have
This is part of our reading of David that is really hitting me in my gut. I have tried several times to find good friends in our world. I am a giver and every time I give to those who I think are my friends I find disappointment and greed, but I know that God is truly my friend, because he gave his one and only son to die for my sins. That is what I call a true friend , and love. I like what the writer said about how the Lord has kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness, and we as Christians have to display that in our lives daily if we are who we say we are. I have been in situations this week were I was just right out disappointed about how someone that I thought was a friend quoted something about me to another person. I was into my feelings at first then I thought about our study with David , and I knew I was not practicing what I have been taught by my father. Then today here I am again reading how I should forgive and love others. I know this will not be a easy to have kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness in my heart for others that I feel have hurt me or been against me, but if I have my father as a friend, and his son who can come against me. Now, I will believe in the Father that God will teach me his word to have kindness, tenderness and forgiveness for other regardless of my feelings, because I know to love God is to love his son, and love others. All I need to do is remember who is my Father, and who is his son, his name is Jesus who love me so much regardless of my sins that he died for me. Thank you God for giving me your word at such a critical time in my life.
Cari! Sweet friend, I needed this today!
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