We are one week away from our next study, Jesus Our Everything!
We begin our JESUS OUR EVERYTHING study MONDAY, September 28, and we couldn’t be more excited to dig into God’s Word with you! We’re thrilled that you’ve joined us to study the book of Hebrews and the supremacy of Christ.
This week is a great time to reach out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and invite them to do our study with you for these next four weeks. Now is the time to be brave, to ask, to invite, to extend an invitation and see what God does. You might be an answer to someone’s prayers!
Our studies are great for busy schedules because they are super flexible. Meet up in local groups with your friends after school, at a coffee shop, through text messages, or online. Our Bible study format is easy for any woman to fit into her busy day. Don’t forget you can do our studies individually as well, morning, noon, or night from the comfort of your bed, kitchen table, or favorite spot!
Take your Bible study to a deeper level by using our Jesus Our Everything corresponding study journal!
Order your Jesus Our Everything study journal today and receive it in time for the start of our upcoming study! For less than $15, you’ll receive our weekly Bible reading plans, journaling pages, a featured recipe from one of our translators, reflection questions and challenges. And now, we’ve included each of our daily devotionals in the printed study journals as an extra help for understanding and reflection. And best of all — 100% of the proceeds from our journal sales go directly back into the ministry!
That’s not all!! In the Jesus Our Everything study journal we’re including a new feature to our studies: the Bridge Reading Plan. Available ONLY in our study journals, the Bridge Reading Plan is an additional two-week reading plan to keep you on track with Bible reading between studies. In the Jesus Our Everything journal you’ll find an additional two-week reading plan and two weeks worth of additional SOAP pages for personal study. This feature is only available in the printed study journals!
BECAUSE OF YOU we are able to reach women in over 30 languages with over thirty Scripture-rich Bible studies, all in their language.
BECAUSE OF YOU we are able to equip missionaries around the world with women’s Bible studies at no cost to them and in many languages.
Our desire is that EVERY WOMAN, IN EVERY NATION, SPEAKING EVERY LANGUAGE would have access to God’s Word and BECAUSE OF YOU we are able to make that happen in 30 languages in over 200 countries.
ALL BECAUSE YOU choose to invest in what lasts for eternity: God’s Word and people’s lives! THANK YOU!
As always, you can download our free study materials by visiting our Bible Studies tab on our website.
We offer free downloadable journals to those in need, missionaries throughout the world, small churches who could not otherwise provide studies like ours for their women, organizations who serve women in crisis, and women who cannot afford our journals. We want nothing to hinder women from being in God’s Word in the language they understand.
Select the study to download the study journal and consider donating any amount you can afford to help offset the cost of creating these materials!
Don’t forget! There are several ways to participate with Love God Greatly this study session:
- Follow our LGG Facebook page! We’ll post the study verses of the day, links to our blog posts, and tons of extra encouragement throughout this study. Check-in each morning by commenting on our daily verse image and share what you’re learning through our study.
- Join our Love God Greatly Bible Studies Group. (More information at the bottom of this post)
- Follow us on Instagram @LoveGodGreatlyOfficial for uplifting daily study postings, plus share your study images and insights with the Love God Greatly community by using #LoveGodGreatly.
- You’re invited to join in the conversation on our Love God Greatly blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the study session. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, subscribe on the Love God Greatly website, and every blog post will be delivered straight to your inbox. How great is that?!
- Download our Love God Greatly App! Stay connected on your phone and have access to our videos, corresponding blog posts, daily devotionals, and much more!
- Find our Bible reading plan and devotional content on the YouVersion app the first day of our study. Open the app and search for Love God Greatly.
- Grab your girlfriends, sisters, moms, grandmas, neighbors, and coworkers for extra inspiration and encouragement this session. We’re so much stronger together!
As always, you are welcome to study solo and check-in each day by joining our Love God Greatly community discussion on our blog and social media pages. We want you to choose the option that works best for you!
We hope you’ll use all that Love God Greatly has to offer you this session. We’re thrilled you’re joining us and can’t wait to see you back here on September 28th when we kick off our Jesus Our Everything study!
Looking for our online Bible study group to join? You can find our Love God Greatly Online Bible Study group here!

This will be my first study with LGG. Can’t wait!!
Hi- I cannot seem to Download the next study- happened with the last one too. Can someone please help me
Where are the different language options? I need this in Albanian.