

Good morning and welcome to Week 3 of our Advent study! I pray that this study is helping you dig a little deeper into the Christmas story. This week we are going to be looking at why Jesus was born.

So… for most of my life I have felt that many of the Christmas songs we sing at church are a bit somber. It used to bother me because I like music that is upbeat and happy. But I have come to realize that while the birth of Jesus is reason for great joy, it is also reason for great sorrow. When celebrating Christmas we simply hang out at the manger, but we must look at the road ahead and see where it will lead this baby boy.

He was born to die. His life would be one of suffering, and He would do all of this because of our sins.

All of mankind has broken the law of God; “there is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10).  And so at the appointed time, the Son of God condescended to take on human flesh. He veiled His glory and became dependent on the very people He came to save. As Jesus grew into a man He lived the perfect life. He succeeded in all of the areas where we fail, and this righteousness is given to us as a gift. When He died, He died as one under the wrath of God and when He rose again, He defeated death and the power of sin.  

We are saved because of His death, we are seen as righteous because of His life, and we can grow in holiness because of His resurrection. This is why He was born.

We saw that all throughout the Old Testament the coming of the Messiah was proclaimed. All of the pieces of God’s plan of salvation were strategically being put into place. At last the time came for God the Son to step into time and rescue for Himself a people who were so lost, so broken, and so blind that they could not save themselves.

So no matter where we are at, despite our circumstances we have much to rejoice about this holiday season. God became part of an earthy family so that we can become part of a heavenly family.

There are so many happy Christmas songs that we can sing and we should do so loudly. But we should also sing the somber songs with passion, remembering that it is because of our sin that we need a Savior to begin with.

Looking to Jesus,

jen signature




Week 3 Challenge: Every year we tend to sing many of the same Christmas songs. This year make it a point to really focus on the words of those songs. Marvel at the truth that God’s love caused him to leave his throne in order to become flesh and blood so he could save us.

Week 3 Reading Plan:


Week 3 Memory Verse:



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Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn grew up in Germany and then spent her teenage years in Africa, where her parents were missionaries. She moved to the United States for college and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she met her husband. They have been married for twenty-two years and have four children. Jen lives in the suburbs of Chicago, where her husband is the pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. Jen is passionate about theology and the connection to daily living.

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