Devotional: The Book Of John W4D5


Read: John 11:1–44

SOAP: John 11:25–27


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, and the one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” She replied, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who comes into the world.”



Jesus’ public ministry reaches a climax in the sign He performed in Bethany. He had already performed many signs displaying His power and authority to the public. He testified about Himself and many also testified about Him, that He is the Son of God. Finally, John recorded the pinnacle of Jesus’ public ministry, the resurrection of Lazarus. 

In this section we find both the seventh and final miraculous sign and another claim of Jesus about Himself. When Martha approached Jesus, she professed her belief in Him and her belief in the resurrection. Though Martha’s profession showed her belief in Jesus as the Messiah, her understanding of the resurrection was incomplete. Jesus told her: “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jesus proclaimed His power over death and His power to give life. For He can not only raise the dead, but also give eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Martha expressed her faith in the resurrection on the last day and her belief that Jesus is the Son of God. What she didn’t expect was how the power of Jesus and the power of the resurrection would change her life in that moment. 

The final miraculous sign Jesus performed (excluding His own resurrection) was raising Lazarus from the dead. In this miracle He proved His claim. In showing His power to reverse death He showed His power to give life. Many witnessed the miracles, including Mary, Martha, Jesus’ disciples, and a host of mourners. He publicly displayed His resurrection power, His power to reverse death and bring life. 

Before Jesus raised Lazarus He prayed to the Father, showing His unity and oneness with God. He had told His disciples that Lazarus would die in order that God would be glorified, and in the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus gave glory to God. Jesus performed this miraculous sign so that many would believe in Him. 

When we believe Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, when we believe He is the Son of God, He gives us eternal life. In Jesus, though we will face death, we will also experience resurrection and eternal life with Him. Not even in death are we beyond the reach of His power. The resurrection changes our eternity and our current circumstance in ways we could never expect. All we need to experience its power is faith in Jesus.