The Depth of God’s Forgiveness

Good morning and welcome to Week 3 of our You Are Forgiven study! These last two weeks have been intense and this week won’t be any different.

We’ve already spent a good amount of time talking about true repentance and confession. These are really important topics because they are gifts from God and signs of a renewed heart. And with a renewed heart comes the promise that our God will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.

Not some, not a few, not sometimes, but ALL!

That little word brings with it an eternity of comfort. And if we take time to meditate on this truth, it will be a great encouragement to us – especially if we live with guilt.

Here is something to remember: God is not like us.  He is transcendent, meaning that He is “other than.”  There is nothing that has been created that we can compare Him to. This can make understanding His ways a bit difficult at times, especially when it comes to grasping the depth of his forgiveness of our sins.

How can God forgive me of every single one of my sins?  There are so many, and some are so big, and some I repeat over and over again, week after week and year after year, decade after decade. And God says that through Jesus, He cleanses us of all of them.

When I think about this kind of forgiveness, it shows me the kindness and generosity of God. He could have said that He would only forgive us of “minor” sins or of our first 1000 sins. NO! When God says that He forgives ALL there is no fine print; there are no exceptions.

Child of God, God washed you white as snow! He did not leave behind even the smallest blemish. His forgiveness is total and complete.

Do you understand this? Do you believe this? If you do, then you need to let go of any guilt that you may feel from past sins. Look to Jesus and see the amazing grace of his forgiveness…

Looking to Jesus,



The forgiveness of God reaches into the deepest and darkest places of our hearts. God forgives it all. This understanding will give birth to immense gratitude and freedom. Write down all that the forgiveness of God frees you from.


YAF Week 3 Reading Plan


YAF Week 3 Memory Verse


It’s not too late to join us for our You Are Forgiven study! Still needing to purchase our You Are Forgiven book? Here is the direct link on Amazon! Thanks so much for supporting our ministry and helping us reach more women with God’s Word!



Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn grew up in Germany and then spent her teenage years in Africa, where her parents were missionaries. She moved to the United States for college and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she met her husband. They have been married for twenty-two years and have four children. Jen lives in the suburbs of Chicago, where her husband is the pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. Jen is passionate about theology and the connection to daily living.

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