No Need To Fear

No Need To Fear

Fear… It can be caused by almost anything. It can be triggered through people, hardship, loss, the past, and the unknown of the future. Fear is that feeling of anxiety or dread concerning the outcome of something; that your needs or desires will not be met. Fear...
No Need To Fear

Week 2: Moses – Fear & Weakness

“What might change in our life if we really believed… in our guts that God sees us and He hears us? What sin might we walk away from? What confidence might we gain? What if we truly believed that God keeps his promises? How might we mine the Word of God for His...
Loss And Loneliness

Loss And Loneliness

Loss and loneliness are ever present realities. While we close out this week’s study on these topics, they do not come to a close in our lives. I experienced loss as a teenager. While the dark and oppressive cloud of sadness, fear, and despair has lifted, this has...

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